#59 — Remote Working: Don’t forget your Health

Nathan Pearce
2 min readApr 7, 2020

For those proficient in the kitchen (beyond the microwave), before you scoff at the idea of this post, yes, we’ve got a generation of people who have never needed to cook. In fact, the tech world is especially responsible for this era of folk who are nutritionally dependent on being in the office.

Many organizations now pluck their next generation of employees straight out of college, through an internship program, and into an office environment with fully staffed kitchens that are providing subsidized, sometimes free, food all day long. The majority even see it as a priority perk when looking for a job!

So, no, this post is not about hating on fast food. Seriously, I’ll put my pizza destroying capabilities up against anyone! But health is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’re stuck in this ‘corona virus hell’ for another month (at least) so let’s not gain 15 pound and have a heart attack before its over.

With all this panic buying, most of my meals are now best described as “Supermarket Shelf Surprise”

It’s not just about health. Cooking for yourself is also a lot cheaper than take-out! Take this one below, for example, which I call “Supermarket Shelf Surprise”… (S3 was already taken.)

Knowing how to cook is definitely not a requirement to eat cheaply and well. With all the hoarding going on, I now have no idea what would be available at the supermarket so I gave up on my usual ‘list’ and went in with a far more lapsed criteria, which is:

  • A protein
  • Two different color vegetables
  • Any jar of sauce (Italian, Korean, Thai, Indian, Mexican, BBQ, any…)

That’s it!

This will likely be the first and last time I talk about food on REDtalks.live. Yeah, it did feel a little weird when I started writing it, given the first 50 topics were all about technology. But hey, we’re in a weird time and I’m using this platform to do what I can to help people who might be outside of their comfort zone.

Next episode — API Chaining! Yes, I know, for some of you that’s what you’ve been waiting to hear. 🙂

Originally published at http://redtalks.live on April 7, 2020.

